Last month, we finally made a trek back to my favorite city in the country. We moved away last May so it had been over a full year since we had been back...which is really just way, way too long.

Our flight out of Atlanta left a little after 10 PM on Wednesday night. We were really hoping Peyton would do us right and sleep the whole way there since this was already way past her bedtime. Man, were we wrong! She fell asleep for about 30 minutes in the car on the way to the airport and then proceeded to stay awake until 12:30... 15 minutes before our flight landed in Boston. She squirmed, screamed, and kicked for a solid two hours before finally giving in to sleep. We hated being "those people" on the plane, especially on such a late night flight, but there was literally nothing we could do to keep her calm. Needless to say, it was a pretty rough flight and the exact opposite of our flights to Miami a few weeks ago! On the flip side, she completely wore herself out during that flight, so when she finally did fall asleep, she was OUT. She didn't flinch during the landing, transporting her from our laps into the Baby Bjorn, on the bus ride over to the rental car lot, transporting her from the Bjorn to the car seat, and finally from the car seat into her pack n play for the night, not waking up until 10 the next morning! Phew!
We visited with Rachel and Chris for just a few minutes at 2:30 AM when we got to their house, but called it a night pretty early. On Thursday, we lounged around the house in the morning, venturing out at lunch time to a restaurant at a driving range, called.... The Range. After lunch, we spent an hour or so lounging outside at the driving range before heading back to the house to get ready for dinner! Rachel and James M. graciously offered to host our friends from LCC at their house for a good old fashioned pot-luck style dinner! It was so good to get to share a meal with these people again, introduce them all to Peyton, and get to meet their new additions, Noah and Braylon!
After dinner, we drove over to the Grant's house so that Wally, Kath, and Sarah could meet little P! Peyton was a little champ and stayed up playing with Kath and Sarah until around 10 pm!
Friday was spent wandering around Assembly Row with Rachel G., Rachel F., Chris, Ryan, and P. We did some shopping (Hello, LOFT!) and then some drinking at a local brewery! That evening, we went back to the Grant/Mirski house to grill out and put Peyton down for an earlier bedtime! We stayed up watching some gymnastics for a little while, but all crashed pretty early!
Saturday was the big day of the trip! I got up bright and early and headed over to Wally and Kathy's house to meet the rest of Rachel's bridesmaids and help set up for the shower! The shower went perfectly and everything was so beautiful! There is definitely something special about watching one of your best friends be completely covered in love and gifts from the people around her! We all love you, Rachel and Chris!!
Sunday morning, we unfortunately had to wake up before the butt crack of dawn to head back to Georgia. It was such a wonderful trip to Boston and the countdown has definitely begun for our next trip!!