This time a year ago, Ryan and I were celebrating our new life together as newlyweds with most of our family and friends, dancing, drinking, and having one of the most memorable nights of our lives.
The next day, we were off to Montego Bay, Jamaica for an amazing one-week honeymoon getaway where we ate too much, drank too much, and soaked up the entire experience as much as possible!
We had our first Christmas together as husband and wife, starting new Schoeff/Smith traditions.
After Christmas, we packed up and went back "home" to New Jersey to celebrate the New Year with our friends and neighbors before moving to Boston.
Around the end of January, we packed up everything we owned and drove 5 hours to our new home in Weymouth, Massachusetts.
We survived our first blizzard the weekend after we moved with just each other and a frisbee. Ryan and I definitely learned the importance of a snow shovel last winter.
Yup- That's my car under there. |
We made some great new friends and hosted some old friends and our families in our new home. The new friends have become family away from family and the old friends helped us remember how special home is.
Around Easter, we found an amazing new church that has changed our lives forever. We've made some great friends and grown our faith over the past few months together and are so grateful to have walked into those doors so many months ago.
We thoroughly explored our new New England home, visiting Fenway Park, Cape Cod, The TD Garden, The Museum of Modern Art, Maine, Vermont, and many other small adventures within Boston.

We went on family vacations to Lawrenceberg, Indiana and St. Kitts. We also visited family in Rochester, NY and celebrated the graduation of both Aunt Tricia and Ashley!
We celebrated the marriage of one of my closest friends Lisa to her new husband, Andy.
Finally (Finally is a loose term here.. we did SO much more but for the sake of the length of this overly-long blog post, I'm going to start wrapping things up), we bought a new car and learned the trials and tribulations that go along with that, we bought and decorated our first Christmas tree, and we, slowly over the course of the year, turned our new apartment into a home.
I'll be back later to talk about our amazing anniversary weekend, but for now I'm going to go spend this special evening with my not-so-new husband.
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